2011年2月22日 星期二

WikiLeaks: Israel, Chile Spied on Iranian Activity in Latin America

A leaked U.S. diplomatic cable indicates that Israel was working with Chile to spy on

Iranian activities in South America.

According to the cable obtained by the website WikiLeaks, U.S. officials reported that

Israel worked with the Chilean government to monitor what it called "unusual activity"

by Iran's envoy to Santiago.

The 2008 cable from the U.S. Embassy in Santiago attributed the information to the

Israeli military attachE in Chile, Yoeli Or.

It quoted Or as saying he worked with Chile's Investigative Police and "other agencies"

to share information and provide training when possible.

The diplomatic cable noted that "while there are no signs of [Iranian government]

affiliation with terrorist groups in Chile, the Chilean intelligence service and the

Israeli government are screening for anything they deem suspicious."

Or reportedly also said Israel was concerned about Iran's "growing influence" in

Venezuela and noted that there were 50 Iranians in Colombia with diplomatic passports.

He also voiced concerns over possible Iranian influence on Chilean Muslim and

Palestinian communities.

According to the leaked cable, Or said Israel would like to expand trade ties with

Latin America, "in part to help balance Iran's expanding influence in the region," but

that a lack of resources set back that effort.

