A new Iowa poll, which shows the most recent leanings of likely Republican voters in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, has Michele Bachmann in a statistical dead heat with Mitt Romney. This morning Bachmann appeared on Chris Wallace’s Fox News Sunday and was asked “Are you a flake?” Was Wallace simply being a tough journalist, or is Fox News’ bias in favor of Mitt Romney showing?
Would Wallace ask Romney, "Are you a socialist?" in reference to Romneycare.
Bachmann is set to officially announce her presidential aspirations in her birthplace of Waterloo, Iowa on Monday and it would seem that her new found popularity among potential voters is irking the folks at Fox News.
Everyone in the mainstream media is rooting for Mitt Romney. The Republican wonks and puppets want him to be the nominee so badly they’re drooling. Funny thing is, Obama would love to see Romney take the nomination too, because, in all honesty, Obama would slaughter Romney.
If Romney is the candidate, then conservatives and independents looking for a real change from politics as usual would once again be forced to hold their noses, and try to hold down their lunches, while voting for Romney. The result: lack of passion which means lower turnout and Obama wins in an election year when my Golden Retriever ought to be able to beat Obama.
In the tank for Romney -
Romney is constantly dubbed the “front runner,” but typically without any analysis of the fact that Romney is the front runner by frequently smaller margins despite being the only candidate in the race now with any sort of national recognition.
Romney also dips in the polls whenever potential voters see anyone, anywhere who might be a viable alternative to Romney. Bachmann now occupies that space. Previously, it was Donald Trump when he flirted with entering the race. Trump? This is how desperate votes are for anyone but Romney.
The media continues to portray Romney as the people’s choice, despite the fact that so far, Romney, Bachmann, Santorum, Cain, Pawlenty, et al, have exactly the same win record in primaries: 0.
While Romney does lead most of the time in most of the polls, the internal numbers of those polls show him to be an incredibly vulnerable candidate with a very, very shallow base of support.
Romney is well known to voters because of his 2008 presidential run. Given that he has a higher national name recognition among voters than do any of his announced opponents, it could be argued that if Romney were truly the people’s choice, he would be running away with the race. He isn’t.
And that makes Republican elites, the party faithful, very unhappy. It also seems to chap the backside of Fox News.
More and more, the Fair and Balanced network appears to be solidly in the tank for Mitt Romney. From Karl Rove to Charles Krauthammer, a parade of talking head after talking head discredits the entire field of GOP candidates, and potential candidates from Sarah Palin to Rick Perry.
The Fox News Channel put a Democratic strategist on the air this morning to assess the potential candidacy of Texas Governor Rick Perry. Basically, she said that she can’t believe we’re actually talking about the possibility of another “Texan” running. Amazing! Throw Rick Perry and the other 27 million of us who live in Texas under the bus.
Mention the name Sarah Palin and Fox News gets mighty testy, despite the fact that Palin works for Fox News. Krauthammer has attacked Palin and Karl Rove is completely dismissive of the former Governor of Alaska.
Krauthammer, in an appearance on Bill O’Reilly’s “The Factor,” recently said of Palin that she is not being "properly schooled" and "not learned.” You know, she’s just one of the unclean masses, like you or me.
We all know that Fox News is no more Fair and Balanced than is the New York Times or any other news organization in the world. There is no such thing as an objective news organization. The Cypress Times is unabashedly Christian and conservative and we will not be dishonest with our readers by pretending to be something we are not. I wish other media outlets would do the same. They won’t.
Fox News has become the number one cable news channel by not being Fair and Balanced. They have reached number one by reflecting the beliefs of the people of the United States, as opposed to CNN and the wretched MSNBC which tells the American people what they ought to believe.
So, Fox needs to be careful with its ongoing campaign rally for Mitt Romney.
Mitt is not liked among genuine conservatives. Romney is a man who made his fortune destroying companies, not creating jobs.