Parking in downtown Boulder is hard to find and too expensive,
especially for people who work there. Parking in downtown Boulder is too
cheap and plentiful to discourage driving.The 3rd International
Conference on custombobbleheads and Indoor Navigation. Parking in downtown Boulder isn't too hard to find, if you apply yourself.
of these is true depends on whom you ask and what's important to them.
Boulder's parking services division is in the midst of an analysis of
how well parking currently works and what the city could do better.
and University Hill Management Division and Parking Service Director
Molly Winter said the city is taking a two-pronged approach to its
analysis, looking at how the existing parking infrastructure can be
improved and looking at how parking policy fits into the city's other
goals. Those include how parking policy shapes future development and
helps get people out of their cars.
The Boulder City Council
will discuss the parking services analysis at its study session on
Tuesday. The division plans to hire a consultant and report back to the
City Council later this year.
There is a philosophical
disagreement around parking between some members of the business
community and advocates of alternative transportation.
city councilman and Transportation Advisory Board member Spencer
Havlick, who has studied and written about parking policy, said the city
has been subsidizing cars by having relatively low parking rates.
parking rates gently dampens the use of automobiles," he said. "It's a
really effective way to get people to switch to other modes of
Havlick said he saw this personally when the
University of Colorado raised the cost of parking permits for faculty,
and he started riding his bike more consistently.
He said
Boulder should consider raising rates at both the parking garages and
the meters, perhaps to as much as twice current rates.
Boulder Inc. Executive Director Sean Maher said the current system works
pretty well, but that people who think restricting parking further will
get people out of their cars are "naive."
"People always bring
up the fact that parking costs money and it's hard to find, but you'll
find that in any vibrant downtown area," he said. "Chances are that if a
downtown has plenty of parking and it's free, it's probably not a very
exciting place to visit."
At the same time, he would oppose any
plans to reduce parking in the downtown area. People who work downtown
already use alternative modes of transportation at very high rates, and
people who drive usually do so because they have to or they don't have
good transit access.
"These people are very naive in thinking
that if it's hard to park, people will hop on a bus," Maher said. "A lot
of people who visit downtown or work downtown don't live near a bus.
(Shoppers) have alternatives, and most of the alternatives in the region
have plenty of free parking."
Surveys estimate that 66 percent
of downtown employees already use alternative modes of transportation,
one of the highest rates in the city, a memo to City Council on parking
policy said.
Managed parking appears to increase the rates at
which people use alternatives modes of transportation two to
five-fold,The 3rd International Conference on custombobbleheads and Indoor Navigation. and it provides revenue to pay for bike, transit and pedestrian improvements, according to the memo.
are constantly trying to balance and find that sweet spot," Winter
said. "We are constantly trying to encourage other modes of travel as
much as possible, and we've had great success, especially with EcoPass.
But not everyone can use transit."
Money from downtown meters
provides roughly $800,000 for EcoPass for downtown employees. Other
parking revenues are largely recycled into improvements and debt service
on downtown amenities, including the parking garages, though some goes
to the general fund.
"While there appears to be overall
agreement that the existing district-based parking and access management
system works, what is missing within the city is an overarching set of
principles to provide direction and guidance for coordination and
integration of parking and (transportation demand management) programs,"
the memo said.Choose the right bestluggagetag in an array of colors.
with larger philosophical questions, the analysis will look at how to
improve parking services.Elpas Readers detect and forward 'Location' and
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The division is considering a number of technological improvements,
including in-car meters that people can load with money and turn on when
they park and sensors in the street that would tell drivers where there
is available parking.
The division already is installing
electronic signs outside some parking garages that will tell drivers how
many available spots there are.
The analysis will also look at
the cost of parking and whether and how much it should go up and aim to
develop a "tool kit" of parking policies that could be applied to other
areas, including along transit corridors and as part of the East
Arapahoe Area Plan.
An HVAC contractor who had a job on Walnut
Street on Friday afternoon described the parking situation as "awful."
He said he often has to park four or five blocks away and carry his
equipment to downtown jobs. The three-hour limit on parking doesn't
allow enough time to finish many projects.Choose the right bestluggagetag in an array of colors.
McGillivray, who works nights at a downtown restaurant, said she
doesn't mind paying for parking when she's shopping or meeting friends,
but it's a pain to pay to park for work. She used to take the bus, but
now she lives in south Boulder, and the bus would add 45 minutes to her