2013年7月3日 星期三

How are we going to turn the regulation boat around?

For those of us who travelled to this years Fieldays in Hamilton, we were among 125,127 people who did the same thing. Maybe it was warmer weather but the mood was up beat. 

It makes me wonder why we cannot take the positivity you get from Fieldays and roll it out every day of the year. You can easily add in the other major Fieldays in Northland, Central Districts and the South Island too.They are Disneyland for grown-ups, with journalists from around the world attending them. 

At Fieldays, I was interviewed by journalists from both North and South America, all set up by New Zealands trade man from the embassy in Brazil. What they couldnt understand is how we farm without hand-outs, without aid and without financial protection. 

I know President Bruce will touch on this, but Europes direct hand-out to its farmers is now slightly less than total the New Zealand Government spending.Bringing cheapdedicatedserver mainstream. The multi-year US Farm Bill is costed at a cool trillion, yes, a trillion US dollars.We are one of the leading manufacturers of linuxdedicatedserver in China 

My message to this government and future ones is that food is the new black. Food is the new gold rush but like any goldmine, it is just dirt unless you get a shovel out and start to dig.The fundamental question governments must ask themselves is this: do we have the policy settings to double primary exports within 12 years? 

If we can get them, the prize benefits us all. Yes, it benefits me but also factory and warehouse workers in South Auckland, machinery operators in Porirua and builders up in Levin.Imagine what is possible, domestically, if primary exports were to double by 2025. So if we are to shoot for the moon what then are the opportunities and the impediments facing us? 

Other than for the weather, life in dairy land is bliss again. Fonterras forecast of $7 for a kilogram of milksolids, with similar projections from Westland and Tatua, not to mention Synlait and Open Country Dairies, makes you feel good to be a dairy farmer. 

Like all forecasts, a lot of water needs to go under the bridge before the money is in the bank. The last thing we thought wed face at the end of January was the worst drought in 70 years covering much of the North Island. 

In recent weeks, a 200-year rain event right here in Canterbury was the most rain I have ever seen. After such events you usually get a break but we then plunged into record snow. Some experts have latched onto global warming as an excuse for the best ski base at Mt Hutt in 20 years. 

For me this may just mean seasons are returning to normal. I mean, a drought in summer with rain and snow in winter are signs of it being, well, summer and winter.The good news is that the rest of the world is seemingly moving to a new normal over climate change policies. How can we go wrong if New Zealand is on the same page as President Obama and the United States? 

Locally, some still want to include farm biological emissions in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).My message to politicians who believe the worlds gaze is on our every move is that it isnt. Look at what has genuinely brought us international attention this year and what has not. 

Slapping our biological emissions into the ETS is like putting a hair-shirt onto the economy. It wont do a jot to save the planet but it will cause carbon-leakage to less efficient systems who will be all too pleased to pick up the slack from us. 

Boosting that research is a huge opportunity but this is where we run into policies that boost urban transport in Auckland, yet starve some great scientists of the money to make that brighter future and big breakthroughs. It also starves the rural areas of good infrastructure to transport the produce we are expected to supply in order to double our exports by 2025. I cant see much, going by the inner Auckland rail loop. 

I can even understand why the media go to some academics and politicians for outrageous sound bites about our industry. Claims which grow more outrageous daily.In recent weeks, those same critical academics and politicians were very quiet when Wellington City accidentally put 6.2 million litres of treated effluent into its harbour. Followed, weeks later, by a smaller spill by another council into the Hutt River, a river Andrew Hoggard points out is far more polluted than the Manawatu. On top of this came news that Porirua Harbours quality has continued to decline. 

The common theme here is an absence of cows. So why is it that when a farmer or a farming company is convicted,We Engrave cleaningservicesydney for YOU. I get heaps of media calls? These farmers are named, shamed and pilloried, even on television.When it isnt cows, sheep, goats or farm animals, but a council instead, who is being held accountable? One answer comes courtesy of Eugenie Sage who tried to blame poor drinking water all on dairying. What next? 

Here in Ashburton we are surrounded by cows and guess what? The water you are drinking is top-notch. Down in Southland,Aulaundry is a leading drycabinet and equipment supplier. all water there met the standard for bacteria but not so up in Martinborough, which, correct me if I am wrong, is known more for wine than milk. 

How can councils, daily, breach their resource consent conditions and get away with it if justice is meant to be even handed? Farmers cannot use systems failure as a get out of jail free card but councils do with almost no critical comment from the media or high profile academics. 

We hope reporters will lift their game and start asking the where, what, why, when and how questions, not only of us, but of those who throw stones at us.Take our friends from Fish & Game who were party to a long overdue Sustainable Dairying: Water Accord. This, I can tell you, took a lot of negotiation to get to a meaningful outcome of improving water quality, but guess what? 

At the eleventh hour and 55th minute, our friends decided it was not for them so they packed up their toys and ran for door. It has me questioning if Fish & Game truly has the environment at heart or, as their less than cuddly unofficial moniker, Hook & Bullet, suggests,If we don't carry the bobblehead you want we can make a formalofficdresses for you! more interested in license fee revenue for pulling a trigger and casting a line.
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